
Ship **it Faster Campaign

Paid Media Placement
Long Form Content
Omni-Channel UX
Go-to-Market Strategy

The average enterprise on Netlify ships 140 times per week. Where does your team rank?

The average enterprise on Netlify ships 140 times per week. Where does your team rank?

The goal was to provide an interactive digital experience that would help development leaders understand if they could be shipping to production faster.

Users are presented with quiz, followed by a score, and then given the option to submit their information in exchange for an eBook filled with tangible direction to help guide them in their composable journey. We leveraged long form content to help attract highly qualified enterprise leads and generate better signal.

This digital experience resulted in just under $600k in opportunity pipeline with a $50k digital budget to help amplify the catchy tagline of “Ship it Faster” across LinkedIn, X (formerly Twitter), and Facebook.

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