
The Making of

Video Content
Creative Direction
Visual Storytelling
Lead Generation

The Making of | Learn how Netlify helped Mammut reach new heights in their digital journey.

The Making of | Learn how Netlify helped Mammut reach new heights in their digital journey.

A video series case study about a centuries old Swiss brand embracing a composable architecture with the help of the Netlify Platform.

This series was completed with a team of only four people: an account manager, a designer, a video editor, and a product marketer (myself). This project required coordinating an international film shoot. I was responsible for writing the interview questions, writing light scripts, storyboard creation and creative direction.

Designed as a short-form video series that were launched the last four weeks of January, we wanted to tell a compelling story without asking for more than a 12 minute commitment from our audience.

Watch the series: